
How a Theft Attorney Can Help You Win Your Case

Theft charges can have serious consequences on those convicted of them. Though they are common, a theft conviction can affect someone’s ability to get or keep a job and can even result in long prison sentences. If you have been charged with a theft charge in San Antonio, Texas, it is important to discuss your case with an experienced criminal attorney who can help inform you of all of the potential consequences and defenses that may help your case. They are well informed in regards to theft laws in Texas.

Understand Theft Charges in Texas

Theft can range in the type of offense depending on what has been taken including: services, property, or money. Theft crimes that a theft attorney can defend against include:

  • Writing hot checks
  • Shoplifting
  • Burglary of a vehicle/building/habitation
  • Robbery
  • Fraudulent use of identifying information
  • Credit or Debit card abuse
  • Fraud
  • Embezzlement
  • Falsely obtaining goods or services

Theft offenses in Bexar County, Texas can occur in many ways whether in commercial businesses or in a residence in addition to burglary and robbery. Even a simple misdemeanor penalty for theft with no jail time will be on your record for public knowledge.

Call a San Antonio Theft Defense Attorney Today

As a seasoned theft attorney with trial experience, Derek W. Emmons can provide the best possible results for your case. Call today to speak with him about a free consultation. During this free consultation, you can discuss your case and tell your side of the story as well as have any questions answered. To learn more, call (210) 702-3054 today to hire a theft attorney to protect your rights.

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